The new South Korean variety show "Miss Back" features forgotten idols. Recently, they invited Kayoung, a member who debuted with the rated-R girl group "Stellar". On the show, she uncovered the bitter story of being forced to take "thong photos" during her time in the entertainment industry.
Kayoung revealed that after trying on their outfits, the members were surprised at the music video shoot when they were asked to change into provocative tight qipaos, and even thong underwear. The qipao had a high slit up to the waist, which was quite suggestive just to imagine. Members expressed they couldn't wear them.
Kayoung mentioned that despite the members' refusal to wear the provocative outfits, the company tried to coax and deceive them by saying, "Why say you can't wear it without trying it first? Just try, and if it feels too obscene, we'll change it; if it's too strange, we won't use it and will delete it." Consequently, the members were forced to change into new outfits and take five provocative photos. Afterward, the company decided the photos were too revealing and asked them to wear something else. "However, those photos ended up being published," causing the hosts to react in anger and disbelief.
In fact, Stellar debuted in 2011 as a four-member girl group. Despite having a pure image in the first two years, they didn't gain popularity. In 2013, they suddenly switched to a sexy style, which generated buzz but ultimately labeled them as a rated-R girl group. Members came and went, and by the time they disbanded in 2018, there were eight members in total. Kayoung was an original member. She also admitted on the show that after becoming a rated-R group, she frequently received unsolicited explicit photos from netizens, leaving her overwhelmed.
News Source: ETtoday Star Cloud