The Hong Kong funeral-themed movie 《 The Last Dance 》, directed by Chan Mau-yin and featuring two generations of comedic talents Michael Hui and Dayo Wong, alongside Michelle Wai, Ronan Pak, Kara Wai, Paul Chun, and Elaine Jin, has achieved unprecedented success. The 《 The Last Dance 》 team announced at a public event on the 18th that the film had surpassed the 60 million Hong Kong Dollar (approximately 34.47 million Malaysian Ringgit) box office mark on its 10th day of release, an unprecedented box office performance! Since its release in Malaysia on the 14th, the box office has rapidly soared, surpassing 3 million Malaysian Ringgit, firmly securing the top spot in the Malaysian box office.
As a locally produced artistic film, 《 The Last Dance 》 has not only been widely welcomed by audiences and become a box office miracle, but it also broke the single-day highest box office record in Hong Kong film history on last Saturday (16th). The box office in Hong Kong and Macau exceeded 9 million Hong Kong Dollars (approximately 5.16 million Malaysian Ringgit) in one day, breaking the 8-year record of 7.5 million Hong Kong Dollars (approximately 4.3 million Malaysian Ringgit) set by the 2016 crime thriller 《Cold War 2》, creating yet another miracle in Hong Kong cinema. The number of people attending the screening of 《 The Last Dance 》 on that day exceeded 120,000, an impressive achievement!
Source: Hong Kong 01