Madani Govt : No One Will Be Marginalised, Priority For People’s Well-being - PM Anwar

Published at Dec 27, 2024 01:41 pm
 The MADANI government will continue to work on building a more inclusive and glorious future for Malaysia, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said that currently, the government has formulated a concrete effort to ensure that no citizen is marginalised, regardless of whether they are poor, youth, women, senior citizens, farmers, fishermen, students in urban and rural areas.

“Among the most important priorities of the MADANI government throughout this year is to ensure the well-being of the people as the backbone of every initiative that is formulated and implemented.

“Every step is taken with the goal of building a more meaningful and dignified life for the people,” he said in a post on his Facebook page today.

Earlier, Anwar said in the past two years, the MADANI government has implemented many initiatives in the effort to elevate the dignity of the people and the country, among them is the Sumbang Tunai Rahmah (STR) which benefits nine million B40 recipients.

Apart from that, other initiatives are the Sumbangan Asas Rahmah (SARA) to 8.4 million recipients to buy basic necessities at 600 retail stores and supermarkets, as well as the People's Income Initiative (IPR) for 4,615 participants from the B40 group, the poor and the hardcore poor, to successfully raise their income. 


