Fahmi: Indeed Conflicts with Other Acts, Whistleblower Act Still Needs Improvement

Published at Feb 14, 2025 09:27 pm
Unity Government spokesperson and Communications Minister Fahmi stated that the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Datuk Seri Azalina has submitted a memorandum to the Cabinet to make a decision on the policy regarding the amendment of the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010.

He said the Cabinet found that the relevant act indeed has conflicts with other acts and needs improvement.

"We did discuss the (whistleblower act) matter, and in fact, the Minister of Law Affairs already submitted a memorandum to the Cabinet last week, requesting a policy decision on the amendment of the act."

Nevertheless, he stated that before the act is amended, enforcement officers still need to act according to the existing act.

On Friday (14th), at the routine press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Fahmi was asked about the previous support of the Pakatan Harapan government for whistleblowers to provide information directly to the media, but recently asked whistleblowers to provide information to the anti-corruption body, he responded as such.

On the other hand, regarding whether the country's Corruption Perception Index remained stagnant last year due to the Sabah corruption scandal, Fahmi merely stated that the index is believed to be assessed based on events that occurred in 2024.

However, he stated that the Transparency International Malaysia Chapter also mentioned in a statement that there are eight reforms in the country moving in a positive direction.

Therefore, he believes that concerning the Corruption Perception Index issue, the media can refer to the statement by Transparency International Malaysia Chapter.

Nevertheless, he stated that the government has already expressed through the Minister of Law Affairs that several legal reforms will be made, and the media can also inquire details from the Minister of Law Affairs. 


Chan Meow Woan
