Sarawak Committed to Striving for Its Rights and Sovereignty; Premier: Also Contributing to Malaysia's Shared Prosperity
Published atJan 11, 2025 10:43 am
(Kuching, 11th) Sarawak is firmly committed to defending the federalist principles that form the core of national governance.
Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari, stated that as one of the partners forming Malaysia, Sarawak plays an important role in ensuring a balance of power between the central government and the states to ensure that the rights stipulated in the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63) continue to be respected.
He emphasized that Sarawak will strive for its rights and autonomy to benefit the people and ensure that Sarawak continues to be one of the pillars of success for the Malaysian federation.
Abang Johari receiving a souvenir at the opening banquet of the 2025 Sabah and Sarawak Judicial Year.
“By resolutely upholding the principles enshrined in the Federal Constitution and striving for the rights and responsibilities granted, Sarawak can not only ensure its secure future but also contribute to the shared prosperity of Malaysia.”
He stated this last night while speaking at the opening banquet of the 2025 Sabah and Sarawak Judicial Year, explaining the federal system from Sarawak's perspective.
Meanwhile, Abang Johari added that Sarawak still holds key powers in major areas such as land and natural resources, while the federal government is responsible for larger affairs including defense and foreign policy.
He said this division of power reflects that the Malaysian federal system is built on a foundation of harmonious cooperation, with balanced operations between the central and Sarawak governments, ensuring neither side is stronger than the other, to achieve common goals.
He further explained that Sarawak dreams of establishing a united and diverse harmonious federation, where the strengths of each state can contribute significantly to the success of the entire country.
“Sarawak mainly focuses on sustainable development, renewable energy, and green initiatives, aligning with Malaysia's aspirations to become a global leader in these fields. By utilizing resources responsibly and encouraging innovation, Sarawak is determined to be a model of progress for the federation while promoting balanced economic, social, and environmental development.”
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