Hong Kong actress Kristal Tin Yui Lee posted a photo from the hospital on her social media on the 3rd. She revealed that she underwent her first surgery. Earlier, during a body check, a shadow was found on her lung, which after repeated confirmation turned out to be very early-stage lung adenocarcinoma. It could be removed through surgery.
She stated: 'I was very nervous upon knowing this news. Besides looking up information online, I consulted several doctors and sought advice from a Hong Kong doctor, who recommended a doctor at Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. From meeting the doctor to arranging for the hospital admission and surgery, the doctors and medical staff were very patient and clearly answered questions during and after the surgery.'
Kristal Tin Yui Lee continued: 'Until right before I entered the operating room, the anesthesiologist asked me: "Is this really your first surgery?" I responded: "Yes," She said, "You’re really not nervous at all, your heartbeat is only 66." Ah Tian mentioned how excellent medical care in Taiwan is, possibly due to health insurance. Even for some out-of-pocket surgeries, the costs are reasonable. More importantly, every medical personnel was very attentive.
She wrote: 'After the lung surgery, even with painkillers, every breath was painful, and some rehabilitation was needed to gradually restore the lung to normal. They not only explained the process in detail but also constantly cared for and encouraged you as you followed through. Each time they positively said you did well.' Kristal Tin Yui Lee concluded by saying that the surgery was very successful: 'The patient is also very alert, so there's no need for everyone to worry about me.'
She wrote: 'After the lung surgery, even with painkillers, every breath was painful, and some rehabilitation was needed to gradually restore the lung to normal. They not only explained the process in detail but also constantly cared for and encouraged you as you followed through. Each time they positively said you did well.' Kristal Tin Yui Lee concluded by saying that the surgery was very successful: 'The patient is also very alert, so there's no need for everyone to worry about me.'
News source: Oriental Daily