A 65-year-old woman in Hubei Province, China, rubbed her eyes after opening an online delivery package on the 18th of the month and subsequently experienced itchy, red, and swollen eyes, along with bumps and protrusions, causing unbearable pain. The woman later went to the hospital and was diagnosed with herpes zoster of the eye.
According to doctors, she is suffering from a special clinical type of herpes zoster, where patients first experience unilateral eyelid swelling and eye redness. Improper treatment may lead to symptoms such as keratitis, corneal ulcers, and conjunctivitis, which can severely affect vision and even lead to encephalitis, potentially resulting in death.
The doctor indicated that the infection might be attributed to the woman's lack of regular exercise, leading to weakened immunity. Moreover, rubbing her eyes without washing her hands after opening the package resulted in the viral infection.