United Nations Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq stated at a press conference on the 21st local time that the United States currently owes the UN 1.5 billion USD (6.663 billion Malaysian Ringgit) for the regular budget contributions. Combined with the peacekeeping and tribunal budgets, the total amounts to 2.8 billion USD (12.437 billion Malaysian Ringgit).
Potential Loss of Voting Rights Due to Outstanding Dues
CCTV News reporter Xu Dezhi asked at the United Nations press conference about the actual amount of U.S. dues owed, and further inquired: "Do you think that during Trump's tenure, the UN will be able to obtain these funds?"
Farhan Haq responded: "During the past administrations of (the United States), we have received the funds for UN dues."
The UN budget is mainly funded by the dues paid by member states. According to the relevant provisions of the UN Charter, if a member state is in arrears of dues equal to or exceeding the contributions due for the previous two years, it will lose its voting rights in the General Assembly, unless it can be demonstrated that this situation is caused by factors beyond control.